The real possibility that you may have to file for bankruptcy can be a daunting task. With this, you may not even know where to begin, or whether you should begin this process in the first place. Read on to discover why you should hire a lawyer for your bankruptcy proceedings and how a seasoned Louisville, Kentucky consumer bankruptcy lawyer at Schwartz Bankruptcy Law Center can step in.
Should I hire a lawyer for my bankruptcy proceedings?
It is possible to go through your bankruptcy proceedings alone. However, it is never recommended to do so. This is because the bankruptcy process can get very convoluted very quickly. This is especially the case if this is your first time going through it. Without further ado, when you hire a lawyer for your bankruptcy proceedings, they may guide you in the following circumstances:
- A lawyer may guide you on whether a bankruptcy filing is necessary at all for your financial situation.
- A lawyer may guide you on which type of bankruptcy is the best option for your financial situation (i.e., Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy).
- A lawyer may guide you on what documentation is necessary for your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing (i.e., W-2 forms, six months of paycheck stubs and bank statements, etc).
- A lawyer may guide you on how to structure your repayment plan if you opt for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy (i.e., paying off your debts within three years or five years).
- A lawyer may ensure that creditors seize their collection activities upon the issuance of an automatic stay (i.e., harassing phone calls, lawsuit filings, etc).
- A lawyer may ensure that you execute all other necessary steps for your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing (i.e., pre-bankruptcy counseling meeting, creditor’s meeting, debtor education course, etc).
What questions should I ask during the hiring process?
Importantly, trust is at the foundation of every solid lawyer-client relationship. You must follow this feeling of trust when you are looking to hire a lawyer for your bankruptcy proceedings. With this, you may want to ask your prospective lawyer the following questions:
- Do you have experience in bankruptcy law?: rest assured, our lawyers have over 40 years of combined legal experience almost exclusively in bankruptcy filings.
- Can I share personal information with you in confidence?: rest assured, our lawyers always take the lawyer-client privilege seriously.
- How would your former clients explain their experience?: rest assured, our lawyers have a 5-star customer rating on Google.
As you may likely conclude, we are eager to assist you. So, if you are ready and willing to kickstart your bankruptcy proceedings, then you must hire a competent Louisville, Kentucky consumer bankruptcy lawyer today. Our team is looking forward to working alongside you.