If you have never gone through legal proceedings before, then you may be hesitant to submit a bankruptcy petition. But this may just be the only way to get your finances back in shape. And a bankruptcy lawyer may just be the lifeline you need to achieve this. Continue reading to learn when you need to hire an experienced Louisville, Kentucky consumer bankruptcy lawyer at Schwartz Bankruptcy Law Center.
Under what circumstances do I need to hire a bankruptcy lawyer?
Technically, it is possible to file a bankruptcy petition on your own. But it is almost always discouraged to do so. But if you are still on the fence about retaining legal representation, you may want to ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you intimidated by the unknown of how your bankruptcy proceedings will play out?
- Rest assured, a lawyer will have a plethora of experience to go off of.
- Are you intimidated by the amount of paperwork that goes into a bankruptcy proceeding?
- Rest assured, a lawyer will know exactly what documents to prepare, along with how to prepare them.
- Are you being incessantly harassed by debt collectors?
- Rest assured, a lawyer will know exactly how to stop these pestering collection activities during your proceedings.
So if the answers to any or all of the above questions are “yes,” then you must proceed forward with hiring a bankruptcy lawyer.
What services will a lawyer offer me?
There are many moving parts when it comes to a bankruptcy proceeding that may make the average person overwhelmed. And you may be already overcome with your current financial state as it is. So you should not take on this extra burden when a seasoned bankruptcy lawyer is ready and willing to do the heavy lifting on your behalf. Without further ado, a lawyer may offer you the following services:
- They may advise on whether you should file a bankruptcy petition in the first place.
- They may advise on whether you should file a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition.
- If you choose to pursue a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, they may help you eliminate as much dischargeable debt as possible.
- If you choose to pursue a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, they may help you build a repayment plan that is as manageable as possible.
- They may advise on how to best prepare for each step of the bankruptcy process ahead of you.
- They may advise on what documents are required for each step of the bankruptcy process ahead of you.
Regardless of what your specific circumstances may be, you must not second-guess your instinct to retain the services of a skilled Louisville, Kentucky consumer bankruptcy lawyer from Schwartz Bankruptcy Law Center. Schedule your free initial consultation with our firm today.