Bankruptcy credit counseling is one per-requisite for filing for bankruptcy, and the second one is debtor education. If you have not completed these then your bankruptcy lawyer will direct you as to how to comply with these two requirements, as your case cannot proceed without them.
Debtor’s Education Course
The education is meant to help ensure that you don’t run into future financial problems after your bankruptcy. This education can take place either by telephone, or in person or even online. It isn’t difficult or a lengthy program. It should provide you with information on how to budget and manage your income so you are living within your means. It will cover how to use credit in a responsible manner. Overall the education session should be around two hours. You may be asked to pay for this service, but if this is not possible then ask for the fee to be wavered. Make sure you check at bankruptcy clerk’s office for a list of approved education providers, and get your documentation that proves that you took the debtor educator session. You can speak with your bankruptcy lawyer if you have any concerns about meeting this requirement. There is a lot to filing for bankruptcy in New Albany and you will find that it is far less stressful and there is far less room for error when you use a bankruptcy lawyer that is experienced with this area of the law.