When you find yourself in a dire financial situation, you may be tentative in asking for help. But your first step toward relief may likely be scheduling an initial consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer. Read on to discover what you need to prepare for your initial consultation with a seasoned Louisville, Kentucky consumer bankruptcy lawyer at Schwartz Bankruptcy Law Center.

What do I need to prepare for my initial consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer?

It is not best practice to show up empty-handed to your initial consultation with your bankruptcy lawyer. This is because you want to help your lawyer be as prepared as possible to take on your case. With that being said, you may want to prepare the following documents:

  • A copy of your driver’s license.
  • A copy of your Social Security card.
  • Up to two years’ worth of your income tax returns.
  • Up to seven months’ worth of your pay stubs.
  • Your current financial statements for your mortgage.
  • Your current financial statements for your car loans, student loans, personal loans, etc.
  • Your current financial statements for your retirement accounts, investment accounts, etc.
  • Your foreclosure paperwork, if applicable.
  • Your marital settlement agreement, if applicable.
  • Any other pieces of paperwork that you believe to be relevant.

What’s more, it may be in your best interest to prepare a list of questions you have for your bankruptcy lawyer. You may want to ask about how long the bankruptcy process typically takes, how much it typically costs, etc. You may even want to ask if bankruptcy is the best plan of action for you, or if there are any alternative resolutions.

What should I expect to take away from my meeting?

At the conclusion of your initial consultation, your bankruptcy lawyer may advise you on the next steps to take. For one, they may direct you to an approved provider of a credit counseling course. This is because a certificate of completion must be submitted alongside your bankruptcy petition. In addition, they may recommend a certain type of bankruptcy to focus on (i.e., Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy), and with that recommend additional documents to collect for your filing.

Nonetheless, your bankruptcy lawyer will schedule a follow-up consultation with you. Here, they will likely assist you in preparing for your creditor’s meeting, alongside all the other upcoming stages of your bankruptcy process.

It is also worth mentioning that your initial consultation at our firm will be free of charge. As you may likely conclude yourself, you may have an important case on your hands that requires immediate action. So it would help if you did not hesitate in reaching out to a competent Louisville, Kentucky consumer bankruptcy lawyer at Schwartz Bankruptcy Law Center.