Bankruptcy and other financial issues are generally seen as objective things. Most people try to avoid the emotional side of this type of situation, preferring to focus on numbers instead. However, personal and emotional issues can both cause and exacerbate financial issues that lead to bankruptcy, foreclosure, and other common consequences. Here are three intense emotional situations that may cause you to need bankruptcy help and how to cope with them.
Relationship Issues
Over half of U.S. marriages end in divorce. No matter how amicable, divorce always means a loss of income. Divorces involving infidelity, abuse, or financial irresponsibility may leave one or both parties in need of bankruptcy help because of legal fees and other matters. However, divorce is not the only issue that causes money trouble. Sudden guardianship of children or disabled adults can cause financial strain, as can unplanned pregnancies or quick marriages. Consult a New Albany bankruptcy attorney if any of these scenarios have befallen you; he or she can work with the courts to make sure you have the income you need.
Serious Illness
Serious or chronic illnesses, from cancer to chronic fatigue syndrome, almost always carry major financial hits. Even the most well-insured can get overwhelmed with medical bills, and transportation back and forth to hospitals and care facilities can eat up large portions of a paycheck. Fortunately, families can work with hospitals to decrease financial stress; some, such as St. Jude, are affiliated with nonprofit programs or charities that can help.
Job Loss
Job loss is common today, but that doesn’t make it any less stressful. Finding new employment takes time, and the best unemployment benefits stretch only so far. Injuries and disabilities can make job loss much more difficult. Seek help from counselors and bankruptcy specialists as soon as possible when needed.